Songs Of the Cattle Trail & Cow Camp

Complete Text & Lyrics by John A Lomax

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The Texas Cowboy and the Mexican Greaser
With his pistol he waved back the gang, who was
wild with rage and drink.
" I warn ye, get back!" he said, " or I'll blow your
heads in two!
A dozen on one poor creature, and him wounded
and bleeding, too! "
The gang stood back for a minute; then up spoke
Poker Bill:
" Young man, yer a stranger, I reckon. We don't
wish yer any ill;
But come out of the range of the Greaser, or, as
sure as I live, you'll croak;"
And he drew a bead on the stranger. I'll tell yer
it wa'n't no joke.
But the stranger moven' no muscle as he looked in
the bore of Bill's gun;
He hadn't no thought to stir, sir; he hadn't no
thought to run;
But he spoke out cool and quiet, " I might live for
a thousand year
And not die at last so nobly as defendin' this
Greaser here;
For he's wounded, now, and helpless, and hasn't
had no fair show;
And the first of ye boys that strikes him, I'll lay
that first one low."
The gang respected the stranger that for another
was willing to die;
They respected the look of daring they saw in that
cold, blue eye.
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